Mechanism :
It is a potent and rapidly acting antimuscarinic drug used to dilate the pupil in cases of some eye procedures.
Indication :
- To produce mydriasis and cycloplegia for diagnostic purposes.
Contraindications :
Hypersensitivity, untreated narrow angle glaucoma or increased IOP; untreated anatomically narrow angles.
Sulphite sensitivity and other hypersensitivities; children with previous systemic reaction to atropine.
Dosing :
1-2 drops of 0.5%, 1% or 2% solution in eye; may be followed 5 minutes later by second application if necessary.
Adverse Effect :
Blurring of near vision, palpitations, conjunctivitis, intolerance to light, psychosis, anti-cholinergic effects, seizures, tachycardia, hypotension, respiratory depression.
Interaction :
No significant interactions found.
Hepatic Dose :
No dosage adjustments are recommended.