Mechanism :
Dibucaine ointment is a topical anesthetic. It produces numbness for a short period of time by stopping nerves from sending pain impulses to the brain.
Indication :
- Relieving pain and itching due to sunburns, minor burns, cuts, scratches, insect bites, stings, or hemorrhoids.
Contraindications :
Dosing :
Under 2 years, <15 kg:
Safety and efficacy not established.
>2 years:
Apply topically to the affected area 3 or 4 times daily. No more than 7.5 grams should be used in a 24-hour period.
Adverse Effect :
Contact dermatitis, photosensitivity, flushing, eye/skin irritation, diarrhea, chest pain, palpitations.
Hepatic Dose :
No dosage adjustments are recommended.