Mechanism :
Psyllium is a soluble fibre. It absorbs water in the intestine to form a viscous liquid which promotes peristalsis and reduces transit time.
Indication :
- Constipation
- Dietary fibre supplement
Contraindications :
Hypersensitivity to psyllium or any component of the formulation; faecal impaction; GI obstruction.
Dosing :
6 to 11 years:
1.25 to 15 g per day PO in divided doses.
≥12 years:
2.5 to 30 g per day PO in divided doses.
Adverse Effect :
Abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, esophageal obstruction, intestinal obstruction, anaphylaxis, allergic conjunctivitis, bronchospasm.
Interaction :
No known significant interactions.
Hepatic Dose :
No dose adjustment recommended.