Skeletal anomaly
Vikrant Sood, Mukul Aggarwal.
Department of Pediatrics, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi, India.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE Dr Vikrant Sood, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi, India. Email: Show affiliations Spot diagnosis

What is the diagnosis?
Absent radius. It is commonly seen with Thrombocytopenia-absent radius {TAR}, Fanconi Syndrome, Holt-Oram Syndrome, Rapadilino Syndrome, Roberts Syndrome, Thalidomide Embryopathy, Trisomy 18 {Edward Syndrome}, And Vacterl Association. Absent radii is detectable during prenatal transvaginal ultrasonography as early as 13 weeks` gestation. Treatment includes splinting of the hands during infancy. Adaptive devices to assist with activities of daily living {e.g. dressing, toileting, feeding} are helpful. Prostheses are less useful than adaptive devices.
E-published: January 2011 Vol 8 Issue 1 Art # 5 |
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Funding: None
Conflict of Interest: None
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Sood V, Aggarwal M. Skeletal anomaly. Pediatr Oncall J. 2011;8: 25.