Anil Maheshwari.
Consultant Surgeon. Email: Show affiliations | For centuries before the advent of modern medical science, it was believed that the woman was responsible for the birth of a male or a female child and that the male had no say in choosing the sex of the unborn baby. Even today in many Indian villages and other rural areas around the world (where ignorance of medical knowledge still prevails)--it is the woman who is still incriminated and blamed for repeatedly giving birth to a female child. But now with the discovery of the x-chromosomes sperms and y-chromosomes sperms in the semen, the medical scientists proclaimed that it is the male who is responsible for choosing or selecting the sex of the baby. But the medical scientists have overlooked one very important factor : namely the patho-physiological conditions, status of the sperms and the ovum and other unseen factors leading to chemotaxis (attraction of the sperms towards the ovum)---which finally leads to conception and eventua lly decides the sex of the baby.
Now let us examine the patho-physiology and the ionic status of the 'x' and 'y' sperms, and the variable charge of the ovum, which ultimately decides which sperm (x or y) will fertilize the ovum.
By prior knowledge we now know that sperms containing the X chromosome are negatively charged while sperms containing the Y chromosome are positively charged. This fact was observed when the sperms were separated by electrophoresis. Numerous studies have revealed that when a weak electrical current was passed through a solution containing spermatozoa, those with the X chromosome were attracted by the anode (+) and those with the Y chromosome by the cathode (-). Some scientists have also identified the appearance of a brief luminous ring at the moment of contact between spermatozoon and ovule. This phenomenon has since been measured and is proof of an electrical involvement in fertilization. Also the charge on the ovum membrane was not fixed but alternated from positive to neutral and to a negative charge in a cycle. This was called the polarity cycle of the ovum membrane. This polarity was found to be predictable but totally separate from the menstrual cycle. The polarity cycle, which is unknown to most of us, was there in addition to the ovulation/menstrual cycle.
The argument behind this finding is that gender (sex) of the baby is influenced by what scientists call "ionic factors" which generate the charge on the ovum membrane and on the sperms.
First let us view this in a different way---According to the Laws of nature----whatever is happening at the microscopic level is reflected in the happenings at the macroscopic level or in other words whatever happens at the physical (gross) level is a reflection of what happens at the subtle (cellular) level. So we now come to the most important aspect of man-woman relationship i.e. marriage (selection of the partner for mating).
Let us now consider the marriage ceremony in various religions:
In Christianity---it is the bride who is first asked by the priest "whether she accepts the would-be bridegroom as the lawfully-wedded husband".
In Hinduism---it is the bride who first garlands the bridegroom, meaning that she has accepted him as her husband and she will bear his children only.
Also it would be worthwhile to note that in Muslim marriage---the would-be bride only is asked by the muslim priest whether she accepts the invitation of marriage (nikah) from her would-be husband following which the marriage is solemnized.
So in man-woman relationship, man is always the proposer and woman is always the chooser never vice versa.
From the above observation we can say that the proposing rights are a male prerogative and the choosing rights lie exclusively with the female. Just as a woman cannot be impregnated against her wishes, similarly at the microlevel both sperms (x and y having different charge) are attracted to the ovum having a variable charge---but only the sperm, which has the opposite charge from that of the ovum will be able to fertilize the ovum and the other sperm will be rejected.
So when the ovum membrane is positively charged, it will attract the sperm carrying X chromosome (which is negatively charged) and a baby girl is produced. When the ovum membrane is negatively charged, it will attract the sperm carrying the Y chromosome (which is positively charged), and a baby boy is produced. In short, we can say that the 'mating rights' are exclusively with the ovum only; once the ovum is fertilized then only the x or y sperm determines the sex of the baby (xx means a female and xy means a male). So would it not be most appropriate to say that it is the female that chooses the sex of the baby (by virtue of selecting which sperm to mate with) and the male only determines the sex of the baby after conception.
Conclusion:Female of the species is more powerful than the male. | | Compliance with Ethical Standards | Funding None | | Conflict of Interest None | |
Cite this article as: | Maheshwari A. DETERMINATION OF SEX OF BABY. Pediatr Oncall J. 2004;1. |