Color Therapy
Color is radiant energy, which is visible. It appears as different colors due to the presence of photoreceptors called "cones" in our eye. There are 3 kinds of cones: one for blue, one for green, and one for red color. A combination of these colors leads to the perception of other colors. When the light rays of color enter our bodies, they stimulate the various endocrine glands especially, the pituitary and pineal glands causing a variety of physiological processes.
This concept of colors affecting your body is part of the ancient Chinese technique "Feng Shui".
It lowers the blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. It also has a cooling effect.
It also has a soothing and relaxing effect (like blue color) on the body as well as the mind. It alleviates the mood in depressed and ill patients.
It increase the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. It stimulates and warms the body. It is useful for anemic patients and patients with hypotension.
It relaxes the muscles and acts as a tranquilizer.
It increases the appetite and decreases tiredness.
It has an energizing effect just as sunshine. Anything written on yellow paper is easier to remember.
It increases self-confidence. However, it also decreases the appetite.
It suppresses the appetite. It is useful for migraine headaches.