
It is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol and kerosene oil. it is bitter to taste. it is commonly used as sprays or dusts diluted with inert clays
Route :
Fatal Dose :
5 to 6gm
Fatal Period :
1 to several hours
Mechanism of action :
It interferes with nerve impulse transmission. CNS is first stimulated and then depressed
Clinical Picture :
• Salivation, nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain
• Hoarseness of voice, coughing, froth at mouth and nose, dyspnoea
• Headache, giddiness, restlessness, hyperirritabilty, dilated pupils, in-cordination, mental confusion, tremors, convulsions
• In non-fatal cases, patient feels well after 24hrs

Treatment :
• Clothing should be removed and skin washed with soap and water
• Gastric lavage
• Animal charcoal
• Cholestyramine : increased the fecal excretionof endrin
• Symptomatic
10/18/2024 11:34:59 Endrin
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