Liver Diseases in Children (Part 3)

print 01/20/2015 08:30:01 Dr. Ira Shah talks on Liver diseases in children.

Explanation of liver disease in children, due to causing of interpretation of liver function tests, liver segments hepatic lobule, where the oxygenation is poor, where the oxygenated blood from hepatic arteries enters, how-to for a liver transplant, explain of porta hepatis, describe the anatomy of the liver, functions of the liver, traditional liver functions tests, what do elevated liver enzymes, chronic liver disease, what is the likely diagnosis?, how to investigate further ?, Wilson's disease diagnosis, prognostic features of Wilson's, case asymptomatic of liver enzymes, clinical presentation, metabolic liver disease, ongoing research in children HBV & HCV.
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Liver Diseases in Children (Part 3)

Dr. Ira Shah talks on Liver diseases in children.

Explanation of liver disease in children, due to causing of interpretation of liver function tests, liver segments hepatic lobule, where the oxygenation is poor, where the oxygenated blood from hepatic arteries enters, how-to for a liver transplant, explain of porta hepatis, describe the anatomy of the liver, functions of the liver, traditional liver functions tests, what do elevated liver enzymes, chronic liver disease, what is the likely diagnosis?, how to investigate further ?, Wilson's disease diagnosis, prognostic features of Wilson's, case asymptomatic of liver enzymes, clinical presentation, metabolic liver disease, ongoing research in children HBV & HCV.
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Also check out Dr. Ira Shah's talk on Introduction to Mantoux test | Pediatric Oncall
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