Pediatric Oncall Awards and Recognition

Pediatric Oncall provides authentic and scientifically inclined articles for its viewers. Pediatric Oncall is proud to be recognized by Health and media organizations for its hardwork.

Site Award For Excellence
You've done a wonderful job and that's not easy creating a great website for others to visit so you should be proud of what you have accomplished.

I'm giving you two awards for all your hardwork.

Keep up the great work! Karen
Year 2001
Many thanks for applying for one of my awards. I've now reviewed your site and would be proud to have my awards on your site. You've done a wonderful job and that's not easy creating a great website for others to visit so you should be proud of what you have accomplished.

I'm giving you two awards for all your hard work.

Keep up the great work! Karen
"Congratulations , Your website has been selected as a recipient of the highly regarded "Editor's Choice Award" from This award is reserved for selected health websites that exhibit 1) Exceptional web design,
2) Reliable and quality health information on disease and disorder topics, and
3) Patient accessibility and support. "
-15th May 2001 Editor
Year 2001-2002
Award 2
"Pediatric Oncall WON THE GOLDEN WEB AWARD. You are proud of your work, and you should be! Your hardwork has won you the most popular and sought after award available. The primary benefit of the Golden Web Award is the recognition of your commitment to the pursuit of website excellence. Further, it represents that your work is considered an outstanding website, incorporating high standards of design, originality and content. Most importantly, the Golden Web Award lets others know your viewed as a respected professional by your peers, one who is deserving of recognition. "

- I.A.W.M.D
Year 2003-2004
Golden Web Award
Congratulations! has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2003-2004 Golden Web Award. You and your Staff at Pediatric Oncall have obviously worked very hard.

Disclaimer: The information given by is provided by medical and paramedical & Health providers voluntarily for display & is meant only for informational purpose. The site does not guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of the information. Use of any information is solely at the user's own risk. The appearance of advertisement or product information in the various section in the website does not constitute an endorsement or approval by Pediatric Oncall of the quality or value of the said product or of claims made by its manufacturer.
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