Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 08 Sep 2024
A 2-year-old boy developed a generalized seizure after a fever which lasted for 10 min after that he became normal. After 12 hours he again developed a fever and again convulsion which lasted for 10 min with loss of consciousness for 10 min. After that he again became normal. His CT and EEG are normal. Does he require regular anticonvulsant therapy? Do all the cases of atypical febrile convulsion require regular AED?
Expert Answer :
He does not need daily antiepileptic drugs as his diagnosis is complex febrile seizure (More than 2 episodes in the same illness). Seizures longer than 10 (15 in some studies) and with focal features also are complex febrile seizures, which means a 4-7 percent chance of future epilepsy and child needs to be watched for afebrile seizures and EEG obtained but no daily meds.
Answer Discussion :
sanjay mangal
yes treat fever
29 Days ago
Mutsyaba Arson
no need for AEDs but treat fever and rule the cause as we use appropriate anticonvulsant for a short while to prevent it from being chronic
30 Days ago
Shefu Mbandu
Treat the cause of fever. No need for anticonvulsants.
1 month ago
Zainul Abedin
This is typical atypical febrile seizures. As compared to normal general population they have more chances of developing into epilepsy so they do require regular anticonvulsant therapy
1 month ago
Dfsa Ata
Yes he require AED,
No , not all cases of atypical febrile convulsuon need AED,

1 month ago

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