
Patient Education

What is the vasculitis?

The inflammation of blood vessels is called vasculitis. Depending on the size of the blood vessel and the organ of the body which is being supplied by the vessel, symptoms occur.

What the symptoms of vasculitis?

If the skin is involved, then the child may present with a rash (called purpura). The involvement of the kidney may lead to loss of blood and proteins in urine. Joint involvement may lead to arthritis. Other organs that can be involved are the heart (can lead to pain and failure and fluid collection), brain (can lead to fits), liver (can lead to hepatitis), and even the intestines (can lead to colicky pain in the abdomen).

What are the most common causes of vasculitis?

The most common cause of vasculitis is a secondary hypersensitivity reaction that resolves when the primary disease is treated. Primary disease can be in the form of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Henoch Schnolein Purpura (HSP), Wegener's Granulomatosis, Periarteritis nodosa (PAN), Kawasaki's disease, etc.

How is vasculitis diagnosed?

Vasculitis is suspected on clinical grounds and biopsy helps to confirm the same. Most often skin biopsy is done. If the kidney is affected, a kidney biopsy is done. Blood tests help to determine the primary autoimmune Disorder. Kawasaki disease is identified clinically.

What is the treatment of vasculitis?

Treatment depends on the diagnosis and in most cases; steroids are required to control hypersensitivity. The dose and duration of steroids have to be adjusted as per the disease and should be taken under a doctor's guidance.

Vasculitis Vasculitis 2015-08-01
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