Diagnostic Dilemma

Resistant focal seizure with involuntary movements

A 12 yr old boy born of non consanguineous marriage was admitted with focal seizure with involuntary movements. He is a known case of seizure disorder diagnosed one year ago and was already on combinations of anticonvulsants {valproate, phenytoin, topiramate}. At that time, CSF and CT brain were normal but EEG was suggestive of generalized seizure disorder. Child had developed measles one year ago and school performance was poor since one year so patient was evaluated for SSPE. CSF measles antibody was negative. Child on examination is fully conscious and there are no focal neurological deficits. Leveracetam and Valproate have been given and Acyclovir and immunoglobulin also given but patient still has convulsions and involuntary movements.

What are likely diagnoses_?
Answer Discussion :
Kunlong Hung
Rasmussen encephalitis
14 years ago
satheesh kumarsk
Juuvenile myocolnic seizures....
14 years ago

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