Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Feb 2023
A 2-year-old child is having off and on cough and fever. His chest x-ray is WNL. TLC DLC is WNL ESR slightly raised. But Mantoux is positive. He also has grade 1 PEM. can ATT be started?
Expert Answer :
If the Mantoux test is done with 2 TU or 5 TU then you have to start ATT, but if it is done with 10 TU then one should not.
Answer Discussion :
Ajay Singh
No we can't
1 year ago
Fauzi Muhmood
yes we can start ATT
1 year ago
Inam Ullah
NO because in PEM mountox will be false positive
1 year ago
Abdirisaq hassan
no b/c of need for additional investigation
1 year ago
Hind Hammad Babekir
need more investigation to confirmed TB LIKE PCR
1 year ago

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