Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Mar 2023
A 7-year-old boy had swelling around the right ankle joint for 2 months after a roadside accident, At presentation ankle fluid collection with painful joint movement, investigation there was no fracture, WBC count was 13500 cells/dl, with neutrophils 78 percent, ESR 110 mm/hr was seen by an orthopedic surgeon who gave him anti-inflammatory drugs and immobilization for 1 month after this also he had persistence of swelling they came to us after a 1 month with swelling of rt ankle, no signs of inflammation, range of movement is normal, no other systemic finding, no h/o of fever, urinary complaints, diarrhea, or rash presently x-ray shows soft tissue swelling, WBC count of 9300, ESR of 48 mm/hr, synovial fluid analysis, hemorrhagic fluid with coagulum, cell 2500, 90 percent neutrophils, sugar 58 mg percent, protein 3.9 gm/dl, ANA 41.5 i.e. positive, synovial fluid culture sterile, What should be a further line of action?
Expert Answer :
MRI of the ankle to look for talar, sub talar joint Koch's and open biopsy.
Answer Discussion :
Chetan Sh
accumulation of waste fluid like substance at right leg laterally to ankal. We must go through aspirating that fluid ....
1 year ago
Sarah Sai
1 year ago
Nourah Ali
MRI for the right ankle
1 year ago
Zainab Kh
Coagulation profile
1 year ago
Nadia Badalich
drainage and aspirate liquid from ankle, cytology, iv antibiotics
1 year ago

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