Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Mar 2023
What is the protocol for giving the BCG Vaccine to a newborn of a sputum-positive mother?
Expert Answer :
Newborns of sputum-positive mothers should receive 6 months of Isoniazid prophylaxis. Thus BCG should not be given at that time. After 6 months if the Mantoux test is negative, the child can be given BCG.
Answer Discussion :
dr algamer altayeb
No answers
1 year ago
Sunil Shukla
We should give as per normal schedule .
1 year ago
Aaliyan Ch
At birth 0.5ml and 0.1ml late dose by intradermal route
1 year ago
Henry Ahamefule
Birth dose of BCG given as usual
1 year ago
DrAsif Nawaz
immediately start isoniazid prophylaxis for three Months.after three months do Montoux test and chest x ray..if Negative then stop isoniazid and give BCG.if results are positive then continue isoniazid for 9-12months and give BCG on course completion (with negative labs).
1 year ago

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