Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Apr 2023
A 3-year-old child complained of an Episode of tonic-clonic convulsion with loss of Consciousness for 1 hr 3 days back. He had no fever. Now he is asymptomatic should anticonvulsants be started straight away? What is the protocol to start anticonvulsants in unprovoked seizures under 5 years old children I mean first unprovoked generalized seizure?
Expert Answer :
Focal onset may have been missed. A head CT to rule out structural lesions and EEG should be done. If both normal and no family h, o epilepsy then there is no need to start anticonvulsant as the risk of epilepsy is less than 50 percent.
Answer Discussion :
Dr. Sandeep Raina
We do not start AED after first unprovoked seizure as about 60% patients do not have a seizure recurrence
1 year ago
Santosh R
r/o remote symtomatic seizure, significant MRI / EEG findings ,focal seizure, family history of epilepsy are indications for first unprovoked seizure
1 year ago
mohamed mustafa
2 unprovoked seizures 24 hr apart
1 year ago
RAJESH boddula
Start First line anticonvulsant, and get done EEG and MRI with Contrarst for finding out the cause of Seizures
1 year ago
Queen Nwos
commence AED after EEG
1 year ago

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