Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 02 Jul 2023
If one parent is suffering from neurofibromatosis, and one child has also got it, what are the chances of the other child getting it, and at what age usually it manifests? Is there a possibility of manifesting at or after the age of 18?
Expert Answer :
Assuming you are referring to NF1, which is an autosomal dominant disorder, the chances of each child having it are 50 percent. One sibling having it has no direct implication on risk for the proband. Manifestations of NF expression can vary from minimal to full blown and diagnosis is clinical based on criteria. Signs start occurring in the first two decades in NF-1 whereas can occur in adulthood in NF-2.
Answer Discussion :
Shahid Ghafoor
it can manifest in 5 to 6 years of age.
we had one child who presented at 5 years, with bony abnormalities.
25 percent chance

1 year ago
Caroline Storey
autosomal dominant so 50%, very unlikely to manifest over the age of 18
1 year ago
Gernine P
25% and age between 8-12
1 year ago
bella rude
what are your families symptoms?
1 year ago
bella rude
I thought it was about 6 when my daughter got it
1 year ago

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