Pediatric Tuberculosis Management 2022

print 05/24/2023 10:46:16 Dr. Ira Shah talks about Pediatric Tuberculosis Management 2022

Lecture consist of:
- Diagnosis of TB in children
- Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra
- Stool GeneXpert
- Treatment of Pediatric tuberculosis
- Mechanism of action of anti TB drugs
- Pediatric TB treatment – WHO recommendation
- Pediatric TB Case Discussions
- Management of paediatric drug resistant tb including MDR TB
- Diagnosis of DR-TB in Children
- Drug Resistant TB in Children

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Difficult Tuberculosis Cases in Children

Special Conditions in TB

Pediatric Tuberculosis Management 2022

Dr. Ira Shah talks about Pediatric Tuberculosis Management 2022

Lecture consist of:
- Diagnosis of TB in children
- Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra
- Stool GeneXpert
- Treatment of Pediatric tuberculosis
- Mechanism of action of anti TB drugs
- Pediatric TB treatment – WHO recommendation
- Pediatric TB Case Discussions
- Management of paediatric drug resistant tb including MDR TB
- Diagnosis of DR-TB in Children
- Drug Resistant TB in Children

Also check out:

Difficult Tuberculosis Cases in Children

Special Conditions in TB
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