Diagnostic Dilemma


A 4 years old boy presented with jaundice, ascitis, hepatomegaly and multiple abscesses over sternum and back for which he was on antituberculous therapy {ATT} for past 1 month. He was treated for tuberculosis {TB} at 1 year of age for 5 months in view of fever. At 2½ years of age, he had multiple abscesses over neck, sternum, back, left thumb. At 3 years, sternum abscess was drained and he was again given ATT for 7 months. At 3½ years of age, he had icterus and ascitis. There is no contact with a patient suffering from TB. On examination, height was 82 cm, weight was 13 kg and he had pallor, clubbing, a draining sinus over cervical region and sternum with hepatosplenomegaly and ascitis. On respiratory system, he had bilateral crepts. Other systems were normal. His CT chest showed osteolytic lesion in sternum with pericardial effusion, consolidation in left lower lobe of lung and right paravertebral abscess. Ascitic fluid did not grow any MTB after 6 weeks nor did the sternal pus. He was put on category 2 of ATT.

Is this TB_? Any other differential diagnosis_?
Expert Opinion :
All of you have recommended ruling out an immunodeficiency. What workup for immunodeficiency would you recommend for recurrent abscess or recurrent TB_?
Do you think it is Brutons agammaglobulinemia_? Would it only cause abscesses or would the child have other infections too_? What would be the diagnosis for the same_?
Answer Discussion :
hyper IgE {Job} syndrome
12 years ago
hyper IgE {Job} syndrome
12 years ago

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