Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 03 Mar 2022
What treatment should be given to AFB positive contact children of less than 5 years of age who are Mantoux positive and those children who are Mantoux negative?
Expert Answer :
For Mantoux positive -6 months of INH. For Mantoux negative, less than 3 years - 6 months of INH. For children, 3-5 years if malnourished - 6 months of INH and if not malnourished, keep a close follow-up.
Answer Discussion :
Gabriel Gojoh
treatment for TB if afb positive and ipt for 6 mnths if afb negative.
on top of that, need gxpert... otherwise the need for TB treatment is highly recommended for afb negative and mantoux positive consecutively after 6 mths of repeated test.

2 years ago
kumudhini rathnavelu
INH and Rifampicin for 6months for Mantoux positive and nothing for Mantoux negative
2 years ago
mohamed mustafa
Mantoux negative need INH only
Mantoux positive need full anti TB ttt

2 years ago
Bhimsen pathak
INH for 6 months if moutoux negative
2 years ago
Bahri Elmas
If Mantoux is negative, INH for 3 months and then Mantoux should be done again.
If Mantoux is positive, 6 months INH and exlusion of active tuberculosis disease.

2 years ago

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