Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Sep 2022
How effective is salt in umbilical granuloma in comparison to silver nitrate? What is the best agent, and what percent of silver is to be used?
Expert Answer :
It has to be rock salt. Since rock salt is available everywhere it is can be used routinely. However one needs to be careful about preventing infection. Silver Nitrate is also useful.
Answer Discussion :
Debkumar Bhattacharya
Salt is effective.
Cuso4 gives very good results.

2 years ago
???? ??????
Good result with salt
2 years ago
dilip chocha
very good results with salt.
2 years ago
Rachael Rangwa
nitrate is more effective
2 years ago
wegu gugesa
a baby is don't have nerve endings withe home achaild will be no feel any pain proses.
2 years ago

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