Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 09 Oct 2022
My daughter age 5 years is suffering from a fever. The urine test report indicates pus cells in urine about 8-10 I advise ciprofloxacine with Brufen syrup, but still, she is in problem. there may be Typhoid because temperature signs appear in the early daytime daily with headache, cold, and shivering.
Expert Answer :
To determine a urine infection, a urine culture would be more reliable. Since how many days is the fever? If the fever is persisting in spite of Ciprofloxacin then she would do blood tests and further workup.
Answer Discussion :
saravanan pal
Cold is not a presentation of typhoid
2 years ago
saravanan pal
Needs investigations, culture and typhidot , can be suspected only after 5days of fever. Preferably cefixime for 2weeks
2 years ago
Joseph Simfukwe
urine m/c/s

2 years ago
Dr Uzair hussain
Send Urine Culture
Tell me her weight and how much dose are you giving?

2 years ago
Howaida Salih
2 years ago

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