Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 20 Feb 2020
My son is 28 months old now and was diagnoed as steroid responsive nephrotic syndrome 3 months back.He is now on 2.5 mg alt day and will finish in next 3 days.When is the ideal time to give him pneumococcal vaccine and also should we repeat Varicella Vaccine again.He was immuised for variclla at 1 yr f age.Please respond
Expert Answer :
1. The safest time to give the pneumococcal vaccine is when the child is off steroids.
2. Check antibody levels and if low the dose needs to be repeated.
Answer Discussion :
Jyoti Pakash Sahoo
there is no problem in giving pneumococcal vaccine at this stage given this vaccine is not a live vaccine and the baby is already on alternate regimen. 2 doses of varicella are recommended. baby can take the 2nd dose at 5yrs of age.
4 years ago
Raisur Rahman
4 weeks after stopping steroids
4 years ago

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