Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 17 Oct 2019
Term 1700g
What should be the schedule of feeding in ml?
Expert Answer :
This is an SGA baby {whatever cause}. Possibility of compromised placental blood supply for uncertain duration should be expected. This can lead to tissue ischemia including splanchnic circulation which can predispose to bowel dysfunction and increased risk for NEC. Hence a cautious introduction of feeding is recommended.
Trophic feeding with expressed breast milk only @ 1ml every 6 hours can usually be initiated on day 1 if the baby is clinically and hemodynamically stable. Gradual increments in feeding can be attempted after 48-72 hours if the bowel function seems normal clinically. Increments should be gradual and restricted` not more than 10 ml, kg in 24 hours in the first week and if tolerated can be upto 15-20 ml, kg in 24 hours. 3 hourly feeding intervals are better tolerated by these infants. Use of prokinetic agents is controversial and is usually not required. Full enteral feeding is usually achieved by 10-12 days of life. It is important that only breast milk is used for feeding. This is a good case for antenatalperntepartum expression and storage of breast milk so that it can be available easily in the first 24-48 hours after birth especially if the mother is immobile and in pain because of a possible cesarean section.
Answer Discussion :
saif elkhunger
20ml every 2 hours
4 years ago
Osama Mustafa Simsaa
150ml/kg: 250ml/day
4 years ago
manar azzam
40 ml
4 years ago

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