Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 10 Oct 2019
Dear Sir, Madam,
I have read everywhere that the B.C.G. is always administered in upper left arm through intradermally but Why to do so is question .

Can we not go for the Right upper arm or other site of the body.
Expert Answer :
BCG is given in the left upper arm in India and in right upper arm in Nepal.This is done in India to make it uniform policy so that in case of aurveillane,it is easier to look for the scar at one place.
Answer Discussion :
Rubina Zulfqar
Site is fixed as a national policy so that all health professionals give at the same site and it helps the clinicians in the TB scoring evaluation for suspected tuberculosis
5 years ago
Rubina Zulfqar
Yes ,it’s given on right deltoid in Pakistan’s expanded program of immunisation
5 years ago

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