Diagnostic Dilemma


A 9 years old boy presented with swelling over right elbow 1½ years back which was progressively increasing in size, painful and associated with fever. An incision and drainage was done and pus was drained that grew staphylococcus aureus and was treated with oral amoxicillin, clavulanic acid. He again presented with non-healing ulcer over the same 2½ months later for which excision was done that showed presence of tuberculous ulcer and was treated with antituberculous therapy {ATT} for 8 months. He was alright for next 7 months when he had a lymphnode swelling over right elbow which has now persisted for 1 month. The swelling is non tender, and not increasing in size. There is no fever, loss of weight or appetite. On examination apart from the 1.5 cm gland on the right elbow, other examination findings are normal. A lymphnode excision biopsy was done that did not grow M.tuberculosis complex even after 6 weeks and histopathology also showed reactive lymphadenitis.

What is the cause of the elbow lymphadenopathy_?
Answer Discussion :
abed alorabi
atypical mycobactirium
14 years ago
prawin agarwal
syphlis infection
14 years ago

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