Mechanism :
In adolescents, under the effect of excess androgen secretion, there is excessive sebum formation which then gets colonized by bacteria and yeast. These irritate the follicular ducts forming comedones which rupture into the dermis causing inflammation and pustulation. Nadifloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against these acne causing bacteria.
Indication :
- Inflamed acne
- Folliculitis
Contraindications :
Hypersensitivity to drug, class or component.
Dosing :
1% cream for topical application twice a day. Safety not established in children.
Adverse Effect :
Irritation, pruritus, papules, skin dryness.
Hepatic Dose :
Based on experience in adult patients, no dosage adjustment necessary; however, use with caution; metabolic disturbances associated with hepatic insufficiency may lead to QT prolongation.