Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Aug 2022
At evaluation of growth chart I’m told it should be evaluated according to mid parental height. But by mid parental height we can estimate only expected height. If a child is two years old and his height fall below 3 percentile and his parents are below 5 feet how should it be evaluated?
Expert Answer :
Since the child is short, the first thing in a short stature is to evaluate mid parental height and see whether his expected height would fall in the mid parental height.
Answer Discussion :
bone age, growth hormone levels, thyroid function tests
2 years ago
mansour alkuhait
bone age
2 years ago
Vijendra Chaturvedi
find out percentile level of MPH for the child at 18yr(refer IAP chart) consider that percentile at 2yrs to assume the minimum height Target for the child at 2yrs.

Nevertheless below 3rd percentile invariably warrants evaluation.

2 years ago

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