Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 07 Aug 2022
There is a new vitamin D preparation with 100 IU per drop. The company claims that sachets of Vitamin D are not sufficient. Daily requirement is 600 to 1000 IU. Kindly clarify the issue.
Expert Answer :
Recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D is 400 IU.
Answer Discussion :
sonila biba
4 drops equal 400ui is enough for baby.this is standard dose as profilaxy of vit d deficiency
2 years ago
Urmila VG
400IU is required per day in infants,
only 4drops od will be the Daily Dose to feed.

2 years ago
malik mister
2 years ago
Sylvia Samir
800 IU daily for neonates and infants
2 years ago
DrZohdi Alhanouty
Recommendations are to give 800 IU daily
2 years ago

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