Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 17 Jul 2022
How to manage a child with 3 years came to phc for kerosine ingestion?
Expert Answer :
No gastric lavage. Change clothes and clean entire skin for any kerosene that may be on skin. Observe the child for 6 hours. If gets breathless, treat for pneumonia.
Answer Discussion :
Samra Elamein
Observation and do chest xray
2 years ago
. Merina Sabnam
NPM for 6 hrs
Then do CXR
give management with antibiotics if fever is there, supportive management with oxygen, nebulization, PCM.

2 years ago
????? ?????
2 years ago
shaistu safi
observe for 6 hours..if there is any shortness of breath than do x-ray chest and advise antibiotics plus steriod
2 years ago

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