Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Jul 2024
Current role of Nitazoxanide with dose in common diarrhea in children, Nelson says it helpful in rotavirus also, what is its Mechanism of action?
Please update whether we should use this as OPD practice instead of other antibiotics in dysentery. Many of my elder colleagues wrote oral Colistin for diarrhea is it useful?
Expert Answer :
Nitazoxanide is active against protozoa such as giardia intestinalis, entameba histolytica and cryptosporidium parvum, helminths such as Ascaris lumbricoides, ancylostoma duodenale, enterobius vermicularis, hymenolepis nana, trichuris trichura, strongyloides stercoralis, taenis saginata and fasciola hepatica. It is also effective against Bacteroides, helicobacter pylori and clostridium species. It interferes with pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase{PFOR} enzyme-dependent electron transfer reaction which is important for anaerobic Glucose energy metabolism. This results in cell swelling, membrane damage and vacuole injury of the trophozoites, resulting in dysfunction of the parasite. The drug is metabolized to the main active metabolite desacetyl Nitazoxanide {tizoxanide}. Excretion of the drug occurs in urine, bile and faeces. The recommended dosage in children is 15 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses orally for 3 days in most of the protozoal and helminthic infections. In cryptosporidiosis when given 100 mg b.i.d and 200 mg b.i.d in 1-4 years and 4-11 years old children respectively for 7 days, produces resolution of diarrhea in 80 percent and oocyst eradication in more than 95 percent cases.
Answer Discussion :
Shahid ulghafoor
There is no indication for antibiotics in simple diarrhoea, especially in Rota viruse infection. Antibiotics only indicated if stool culture is positive for a bacteria infection.
7 months ago
is there any meta on it?
7 months ago
DrZohdi Alhanouty
For viral diarrhea no need for antibiotics.
7 months ago
zeeshan majeed
7 months ago
Maria Laura Perez
in common diarhea, diet and hidration. if you así for stool culture or direct parasitology positive for giardia or ameba hystoliltic you can use nitazoxanide or metronidazol
7 months ago

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