Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 27 Jul 2019
Why there occurs frothing during a convulsion?
Expert Answer :
During a convulsion, one can not swallow one own saliva due to impaired consciousness. Also, there is heavy breathing, which leads to the formation of froth (bubbles of saliva) at the mouth.
Answer Discussion :
gh nabi
Foaming or frothing at the mouth occurs when excess saliva pools in the mouth or lungs and is mixed with air, creating foam.
5 years ago
edersson munoz
The autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic)
Refleux vessel vagal

5 years ago
kadri soliman
Due to laryngeal conjetion
5 years ago
Excessive salivation
5 years ago
????? ???????
in a convulsions the control of muscles lost involved swallowing muscles lead to accumulation of saliva in mouth which is mixed with air and trapping with clenched teeth then produce foaming
5 years ago

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