Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 24 Sep 2023
I have a 9 months male infant who presented to my clinic first time at 9 months complaining of noisy breathing since birth According to his mother, o, e wheezing bilateral, is not distressed and has no desaturation, I treated him with Ventolin nebulizer and a short course of steroids, with no improvement, otherwise unremarkable examination. CXR—normal. So I m thinking about happy wheezer baby or something like this, How to management and a plan for this case?
Expert Answer :
Rule out laryngotracheomalacia
Answer Discussion :
DrZohdi Alhanouty
As I understood, you said bilateral wheezing, not strider , which is against laryngomalacia. Wheezing is a sign of lower respiratory tract obstruction.while strider is upper.
DrZohdi Alhanouty
CT angiogram to rule out vascular ring. If normal proceed to bronchoscopy.
Amani Baldo
reassure and follow
abdo farea
no need treatment
abdalatif ragab
ENT exam, echpcardiograhy, exclude cow milk allergy.

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