Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Apr 2024
The 30-month-old male child was brought with c/o protruding of the chest wall, on detailed examination no other anomalies were noted, and the child is 11 kg. Relatives noted the protrusion since birth and the child was kept on calcium supplements. Since 6 months relatives noted there is an increase in protrusion. I am not sure whether it is pectus carinatum so I want to know what should be the approach and management.
Expert Answer :
Rule out scoliosis with Spondylocostal dysplasia, x-ray dprsal spine with cervical spine included. If negative treat as pectus carinatum and look for COPD.
Answer Discussion :
Pocian Francis
just order CT scan of the chest will unfold the mystery
5 months ago
dhanashree mundle
VIT d level, 2d echo , CXr lateral view sos start on vit d supplement and calcium
5 months ago

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