Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 May 2024
I have seen many cases of measles at the age of 7 months, the Measles Vaccine is given at the age of 9 months. Can the vaccine be given at an early age, say at 7 months?
Expert Answer :
Giving Measles Vaccine at 9 months also 15 percent of infants do not seroconvert. If we give vaccine early chances of vaccine failure increases. In an epidemic situation, one can give the vaccine to infants between 6 to 9 months. All these children should receive one more dose of the Measles Vaccine after 9 months of age or MMR at 12 months to protect those children who have not been seroconverted.
Answer Discussion :
Dani Nagusa
Yes..It can be
9 months ago
Mohammed Alhemiary
yes, it can be given as early as 6 months of age. in areas of high prevalence and poor immunity.
9 months ago
azza Eltom
yes, It can be given in outbreaks but the minimum age for the vaccine is 6 months not less.
9 months ago
Kamal Shukla
Yes. In case of an outbreak or an epidemic.
9 months ago
Dr Koustubh Lincoln Samal
yes.. can be given
9 months ago

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