Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 30 Dec 2021
What is the importance of urinary AFB in case of pain abdomen?
Expert Answer :
By AFB you mean Acid Fast Bacilli. If that is the case in an area like Durban, SA which is endemic for TB, in children I hardly ever see urinary tract TB. Although rare, TB is sometimes seen in patients with HIV or who are otherwise immunocompromised. It is as I stated a very rare finding.
Answer Discussion :
DrCabdiwaasacHassan cabdi
2 years ago
Vinod Palaparthy
Renal tuberculosis is a rare entityin children. Even if renal involvement occurs,as tuberculosis in children is paucibacillary, urine AFB if positive can aid in diagnosis but if negative has very little significance.
2 years ago
Tejesh Butkar
thimbble blader
2 years ago

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