Drug Index

Oral Rehydration Salts

Synonym :


Mechanism :

Carbohydrate and electrolytes combination are used to treat or prevent dehydration that may occur with severe diarrhea, especially in babies and young children. Although it does not immediately stop the diarrhea, it replaces the water and electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, that are lost from the body during diarrhea, and helps prevent more serious problems.

Indication :

  • Diarrhoea- (acute, fluid)
  • Dehydration

Contraindications :

Known hypersensitivity to medicines containing potassium, sodium, citrates, rice, or sugar.

Dosing :

Mild Dehydration:
Total ORS: 50 ml/kg over 4 hours PO.
Moderate Dehydration (accelerated replacement):
Total ORS: 100 ml/kg over 4 hours PO.
Infant: Give 30 ml per hour of ORS.
Toddler: Give 60 ml per hour of ORS.
Child: Give 90 ml per hour of ORS.
Diarrhea: Ongoing losses (added replacement per stool):
Give 10 ml/kg per stool.

Adverse Effect :

Known hypersensitivity to medicines containing potassium, sodium, citrates, rice, or sugar.

Adverse effects reported are vomiting, convulsions, dizziness; tachycardia; high blood pressure; irritability; muscle twitching; restlessness; swelling of feet or lower legs along with puffy eyelids; weakness, and puffy eyelids.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
10/07/2024 09:38:10 Oral Rehydration Salts
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