Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Aug 2020
A 12 yrs old girl having fever for the last 10 days, headache, and vomiting for the last 10 days, she has episodes of headache which results in vomiting. After vomiting headache is relieved.on examination no neck stiffness,kernig negative. No other positive findings. CBC nad, widal negative.
what could be the cause of the headache followed by vomiting. After that headache is relieved for a while. can it be an early stage of meningitis?
Expert Answer :
Sounds like raised intracranial pressure. One of the causes is meningitis. There are many other causes. I would image the pt with an MRI with contrast. A venogram will help too for benign intracranial pressure.
Answer Discussion :
Aiman Fareed Ahmad
This could be early symptom of bacterial meningitis including TBM, also the possibility of space occupying lesion can’t be ruled out completely. Presence of fever makes migraine less likely until and unless fever is a precipitating factor for it but again 10 days are quite a long time for migraine headache. The possibility of benign raised ICP can’t be ruled out which can be secondary to any AB taken by the patient for fever or some viral infection
4 years ago
Ravi Goyal
Brain Abscess
4 years ago
Aishwarya Padubidri
it could be migrane
4 years ago
Abhishek Jaiswal
increased ICT
4 years ago
Balveer Singh
This is a viral fever,some cashes in the seen headache and neck stiffness.but this condition is not severe.
4 years ago

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